11 States already issue the New Identity - Find out how to obtain the document


The issuance of the new identity is already in full force in 11 Brazilian states, bringing with it a series of benefits and technological updates.


In this article, we'll explore the details of this new document and provide a step-by-step guide on how to get it.

If you are wondering how to go about obtaining your new identity, read on for valuable information.


The new identity brings with it significant advances in terms of technology and security.

In order to combat forgery and guarantee the authenticity of the document, high-tech elements were incorporated, such as an identification chip, QR code and other advanced features.

These innovations aim to make identity more resistant to fraud, providing greater security for citizens.

States that already issue the New Identity: Updated List

Currently, 11 Brazilian states have already implemented the issuance of the new identity. Among them are Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia, among others. It is essential to check whether your state is part of this list and, if so, seek information about the service centers available to request the document. Check out the states below:

Step by Step: How to Get a New Identity in Participating States

1. Check Availability in Your State

Before starting the process, make sure that the new identity is already being issued in your state. Access the official website of the body responsible for issuing documents and check the updated information on the availability of the new identity.

2. Gather the Necessary Documents

As with issuing a previous identity, some documents are essential for obtaining a new identity.


Geralmente, será necessário apresentar o RG antigo, comprovante de residência, certidão de nascimento ou casamento, e uma foto 3×4 recente. Verifique os requisitos específicos do seu estado para garantir que você tenha todos os documentos necessários.

3. Schedule the Service

Most states that have already adopted the new identity allow prior scheduling of care. This measure aims to avoid crowds and provide a more efficient service. Access the official website or contact the responsible body to schedule your appointment.

4. Go to the Service Point

On the scheduled day, go to the chosen service point, taking all the necessary documents with you. Be aware of safety protocols, such as wearing masks and social distancing, that may be in place due to the pandemic.

5. Wait for the New Document to be Issued

After submitting the documents, you will need to wait for the stipulated deadline for the new identity to be issued. This period may vary according to the demand of the responsible body, so it is recommended to check the information during scheduling.

Advantages of the New Identity: Beyond Security

In addition to advances in terms of security, the new identity offers other advantages to citizens. The introduction of the identification chip, for example, facilitates integration with public services and can speed up identification processes in various everyday situations.

Conclusion: Secure your New Identity with Ease and Security

In short, the issuance of the new identity is already a reality in several Brazilian states, representing a significant advance in terms of technology and security.

By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you will be able to request your new document efficiently, ensuring all the benefits offered by this update.

Pay attention to information from the responsible body in your state and make sure you comply with all requirements to make the process even smoother.