Layette Aid: Find Out Who Is Entitled to the Government’s Maternity Kit


Layette Aid is a benefit offered by the government to help low-income mothers prepare for the arrival of their baby. The maternity kit contains several essential items for newborn care, such as diapers, clothes, hygiene products and even a portable crib.

However, many women still have doubts about who is entitled to receive this aid and how to request it. According to the rules established by the government, the Layette Aid is intended for pregnant women who are in a situation of social and economic vulnerability. .

This includes women who are unemployed, who have low income or who are beneficiaries of social programs, such as Bolsa Família. In addition, you must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).


Understanding the Layette Aid

Auxílio Enxoval is a federal government program that aims to help low-income pregnant women prepare for the arrival of their baby. The program offers a maternity kit containing several essential items for caring for the newborn.

What is the Maternity Kit

The maternity kit consists of several items, such as clothes, diapers, blankets, towels, personal hygiene products and other essential items to take care of the baby.

The objective of the program is to ensure that low-income pregnant women can count on these items to guarantee their baby's well-being in the first months of life.

Eligibility Criteria

To be entitled to Linen Aid, you must meet some eligibility criteria. The pregnant woman must be registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs and have a monthly family income of up to half the minimum wage per person.

In addition, it is necessary to prove the pregnancy through a medical certificate.

Required Documentation

To request the Layette Aid, it is necessary to present some documents, such as your ID, CPF, proof of residence, proof of registration in the Single Registry and a medical certificate of pregnancy.


It is important that pregnant women check with the responsible body in their city what documents are necessary to request the benefit.

The Layette Aid is an important federal government initiative to ensure that low-income pregnant women can count on the essential items to care for their baby in the first months of life.

Therefore, it is important that pregnant women who meet the eligibility criteria seek information on how to apply for the benefit.

How to Request Assistance

To request Layette Aid, you must follow a few simple steps and meet the criteria established by the program.

Step by Step for Registration

  1. Access the Federal Government's Single Registry website and register. If you are already registered, check that your details are up to date.
  2. Look for the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) closest to your residence and present the necessary documents to prove your income and pregnancy.
  3. Wait for CRAS to analyze your registration and, if approved, you will receive a social identification number (NIS).
  4. With the NIS in hand, access the Ministry of Citizenship website and request the Layette Aid, providing your personal data and the NIS.

Consult Aids and Benefits

In addition to requesting the Layette Aid, it is possible to consult other benefits and assistance available to the low-income population. To do this, simply access the Consulta Auxílios e Benefícios website and enter your NIS.

On this platform, you can check whether you are entitled to other programs, such as Bolsa Família, the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) and the National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (Pronatec), among others.

Remember that it is important to keep your data up to date with the responsible bodies to ensure access to available benefits and assistance.