Cholesterol and Saturated Fats - Discover the Truths


High cholesterol levels are something that makes many people's hair stand on end. The idea that high cholesterol levels lead to an increase in the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases has brought much concern and discussion in the scientific community.

There is a discussion that fat is bad for the heart and increases cholesterol, however studies show that cholesterol is increased by the consumption of carbohydrates, not fats as they say out there.

The fact is that cholesterol is a compound of extreme importance to our body, and is present in various tissues in the body, including the brain and heart.


How did the cholesterol myth start?

In an analysis done in 1784 cholesterol was found in bile. Later in Germany, cholesterol was found in a fat plaque, that is, it was present in the plaque, but it did not indicate that it was the cause.

A few years later, a study was conducted in Russia where cholesterol was administered to rabbits and chickens, which are herbivorous animals, remembering that cholesterol is an animal substance, which is not metabolized by animals that feed on vegetables.

It was then observed, in the animals used in the study, that they developed fatty plaques in the aorta artery. This theory then spread around the world and the food and pharmaceutical industries saw an opportunity with this.

Years later, still in Russia, the same scientist, used the same methodology, but instead of rabbits, rats were used in the experiments, and the result was that nothing happened, that is, there was no accumulation of plaques in the arteries of the rats.

In 1953, a theory was created that said that eating saturated fat would contribute to the increase of cholesterol in the body and subsequently the accumulation of plaques and clogging of the arteries, a theory that was never scientifically proven.

The benefits of cholesterol for the body

Cholesterol is an organic molecule that is present in the brain, including. About 25% of the cholesterol present in the body is in the brain, including it is present in the membranes of all cells in the human body.


We can say that all steroid hormones in the body have cholesterol as their precursor. Hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, vitamin D3, have it as a precursor.

This alcohol is also responsible for protecting the nerves, being present in the so-called myelin sheath, which are membranes that surround the dendrites in the neurons.

We can also enumerate its various functions in the body.

Has the theory of the relationship between saturated fats and heart disease been proven?

The answer is no. So far, no scientific study has been published to support such a theory, and demonstrate that cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease. Several scientific studies were conducted in order to demonstrate any relationship between saturated fats and their increase and subsequent clogging of the arteries, but all were negative.

A review of studies carried out by the Cochrane Group, carried out in 15 studies and more than 56,000 individuals, found that the intake of saturated fats has no relationship with deaths from heart disease, stating that the replacement of saturated fats by polyunsaturated fats or starches and carbohydrates would not bring no benefit to patients.

Another study done at Harvard showed that elderly women with low cholesterol have a 5-fold increased risk of heart disease. Another Danish doctor has shown that low cholesterol in women of all ages, and elderly men, increases the risk of mortality.

There are then several scientific studies that debunk this myth, which is understood to have been implanted with commercial, political and economic objectives, with no real relationship with the health of the human being. This was our article for today. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you want to know more health tips, search our tab, Tips.