Deja-vu - Discover the Secrets of this Word


The word deja-vu or deja-vi comes from the French language and means “already seen”. Who never had such deja-vu? The clear feeling of having lived that same situation at different times.

There has been a long debate about the phenomenon of deja-vu for a long time. Such a phenomenon is so magical and at the same time frightening that it makes us doubt the standard scheme of events.

There are moments of deja-vu that can almost touch a part of the future, so real is the certainty of knowing and having lived the same moment at some point.


Deja-vu (Google image)

Different views on the same issue

There are theses that argue that deja-vu is nothing more than a flaw in the brain that instead of storing real time in short-term memory compartments, it is stored in medium and long-term memory compartments, which creates the feeling of having already seen it. or experienced that situation.

Dificilmente isso se sustenta levando em conta que pra isso ser real, estas memórias lançadas para compartimentos de médio a logo prazo,  teriam que ter sido vividas antes do tempo presente. Para que se tornem lembranças, é impossível que algo vivido em tempo real já esteja armazenado em memórias de médio e de longo prazo.

Deja-vu, or cycles of life?

We are part of a nature where everything is cyclical. We were and are created by this nature, which in itself is clear in repetition, for example;

The plant's own reproductive cycle, for example seed, germination, growth, flowering, fruit, seed again and growth and so on.

Now, if we are children of this nature and created by it, it is right that we follow the same routine, be born, grow, flourish, reproduce or bear fruit, perish and be born again!

A ideia de reencarnação esta imersa em várias filosofias e religiões, mesmo que nas entrelinhas. No cristianismo, por exemplo, se descreve que o seu representante de maior expressão, Jesus Cristo, era espírito e tornou-se carne para descer a terra e logo após a sua morte e  ressurreição, ao se apresentar aos seus discípulos, precisou pedir para que tocassem em sua carne para que atestassem que era real.  Isso deixa claro que o seu retorno foi feito em outro corpo, ou seja, reencarnou em outra carne.


Is it quite plausible to believe then that we reincarnate?

We live in a life where everything is cyclical and with its cycles everything is repeated, why not our little earthly life? In another article written here, it has been suggested that we are indeed extra-terrestrial beings, and are only here for a temporary experience.

Acredito que temos vivido diversas vezes a mesma vida, sendo sempre a mesma pessoa, convivendo nas mesmas situações.  Esperamos até que um dia nos seja dado a oportunidade de nos libertar desta tortura chamada morte e deste sacrifício finito chamado vida.

Let us then learn that everything is passenger, until we passengers become the conductors of our destinations and thus we will have the right to choose our final destination, and it is quite possible that in this final destination we will live forever.

This was an article for reflection and for analyzing life, beliefs and paradigms that we have been creating in the course of our earthly life. I hope you enjoyed it, click here for more Tips. Hug to everyone.