Photovoltaic Energy - Understand how it works


A Photovoltaics, has grown with the advent of global warming, the greenhouse effect and other degrading impacts on the environment, issues that have been discussed worldwide and have brought much concern to all nations that are aware of the importance of the environment for all of us.

There is today, therefore, a great incentive for solutions and implementations that encourage the development of renewable energy sources, non-polluting and with low impact on the environment, which are sustainable and economical to carry out.

 In the midst of all this issue, the generation of energy from the emission of solar radiation has been substantially developed in recent years, also known as photovoltaic energy, or solar energy, as it is popularly known.


How the capture works Photovoltaics?

A photovoltaic system is a model where components are used to capture solar energy and transform this solar energy into alternating current electricity, which is what we use in our homes.

So the photovoltaic system is composed of solar panels, placed where there is incidence of sunlight. These panels capture solar radiation, convert it into direct current electricity and then, through an inversion process, transform direct current into alternating current.

The generated energy can then be used in our homes, industries, and the most diverse environments where the use of electrical energy is necessary. We have two types of photovoltaic systems. The OnGrid system, and the OffGrid system.

OffGrid System

O sistema fotovoltaico offgrid são sistemas autônomos, ou seja, ele não tem conectividade com a rede de distribuição de energia.  Para este sistema, é necessário os painéis fotovoltaicos, o banco de baterias e os controladores de carga que formam o sistema.  

This is an isolated system, it has no connectivity or dependence on the power distribution network, set up as follows. Photovoltaic panels generate electricity, and are connected to the charge controller and a battery bank and later to an inverter that is not connected to the grid.

 The charge controller has an output that will feed the battery bank and feed its universal inverter, which has the function of converting direct current into alternating current.


Then the alternating current that comes out of the inverter at voltages of 127v 220v, 380v will feed the necessary electrical system. It is also necessary to assemble a power panel with devices to protect against overloads and electrical surges.

OnGrid or grid tie system

 The onGrid photovoltaic system is a type of system that needs to be connected to the power distribution network. And a system with lower cost than the offgrid system.

However, in order for you to connect your system to the energy distribution network, it is necessary to prepare and approve a project with the same. One limitation is that if the utility's power is interrupted, you will be left without supply.

In the offgrid system, the energy you produce during the day is stored in batteries and used at night. in the ongrid, the energy generated and injected into the concessionaire's network during the day can be used at night, since this project uses a bidirectional energy meter.

Advantages and disadvantages offgrid system



Advantages and disadvantages offgrid system



which system of Photovoltaics so is it better?

The choice of which system to use will depend on many factors, including economic, physical, space, cost, location. So this decision should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, so that the solution that best meets your demand is chosen.

It is important that whatever the chosen system be, the installation is done by professionals, since you will be working with high voltages, which can cause serious damage to your health, and even death. So hire someone who has experience and knowledge to perform the service.

Thank you all, and I hope I have helped pass on some information about this new trend that has heated up the market and generated new jobs and savings for consumers. For more information, visit our section Tips and stay well informed. Until the next article.