Free Electricity Bill for Seniors: Find Out How to Request the Benefit Now!


Many elderly Brazilians have financial difficulties paying their electricity bills. However, many do not know that they are entitled to a free electricity bill. This is a Federal Government initiative to help low-income elderly people. In this article, you will learn how to request this benefit.

To request a free electricity bill, you must meet some requirements. First, the elderly person must be over 65 years old and the family's monthly income must be less than the minimum wage per person.

In addition, you must be registered with CadÚnico, the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government. If the elderly person meets these requirements, they will be able to apply for the benefit and have a significant reduction in their electricity bill.


How to Request the Free Electricity Bill Benefit for the Elderly

Brazilian elderly people who have low income and are registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs can request the benefit of a free electricity bill.

This benefit is offered by Cemig Atende, the company responsible for supplying electricity in Minas Gerais.


To apply for the benefit, the elderly person must meet the following requirements:

Step by Step for Registration

The process of requesting the free electricity bill benefit for seniors is simple and can be done in person or online. Check it step by step:

  1. Access the Cemig Atende website or go to a face-to-face service agency;
  2. Bring the following documents:
    • RG and CPF of the electricity account holder;
    • Social Identification Number (NIS);
    • Updated proof of residence;
    • Proof of monthly per capita family income;
  3. Fill out the benefit request form;
  4. Wait for Cemig Atende’s analysis;
  5. If approved, the benefit will be granted on the next electricity bill.

Role of Cemig Attende in the Process

Cemig Atende is responsible for analyzing requests for free electricity bills for the elderly. The company checks the information provided by the applicant and, if the applicant meets the necessary requirements, grants the benefit on the next electricity bill.

In case of doubts or problems in the process, the applicant can contact Cemig Atende by calling 116.


FAQ and Support

Common Questions about the Free Electricity Bill

Seniors who want to request a free electricity bill may have some questions about the process. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about the benefit:

Service and Support Channels

To help seniors request a free electricity bill, there are several service and support channels available. Below are some options: