Government Rental Assistance: Find out if you are eligible


Government Rental Assistance is a benefit that aims to help low-income people cover housing costs. This assistance is offered by the Minha Casa Minha Vida program, which aims to reduce the housing deficit in the country.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties and need help paying your rent, this article is for you. To find out if you are entitled to Government Rental Assistance, you need to consult the criteria established by the program.

These include monthly family income, the number of people living in the house and the previous housing situation. In addition, you must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and not have any property in your name.


Rental Assistance Eligibility

Government Rent Assistance is a social benefit designed to help low-income families pay the rent for their homes. To be entitled to this aid, you must meet some eligibility criteria and present the necessary documentation.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Rental Assistance, you must meet the following criteria:

Required Documentation

To request Rent Assistance, you must present the following documentation:

Single Registration

Para facilitar o processo de solicitação do Auxílio Aluguel, é recomendável que a família esteja cadastrada no Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais do Governo Federal.

Esse cadastro reúne informações sobre as famílias de baixa renda e é utilizado para a seleção de beneficiários de diversos programas sociais.

To check whether you are entitled to Rental Aid, citizens can consult the 2024 Aid Guide available on the Federal Government website. There, you can find information about the eligibility criteria, necessary documentation and how to request the benefit.


How to Request Rental Assistance

To apply for Government Rental Assistance, you need to follow a few simple steps. In this section you will find information on how to apply and track your application.

Registration Process at

The first step to request Rent Assistance is to access the website and register. If you already have an account, simply log in. Otherwise, you must create an account providing your personal details.

Após o cadastro, é necessário acessar a página “Consulta Auxílios e Benefícios” e selecionar a opção “Auxílio Aluguel”. Em seguida, preencha o formulário com as informações solicitadas, como dados pessoais, informações sobre o imóvel e comprovante de renda.

Request Tracking

Após enviar a solicitação, é possível acompanhar o status da mesma pelo site Basta acessar a página “Consulta Auxílios e Benefícios” e selecionar a opção “Auxílio Aluguel”. Será exibido o status da solicitação, como “em análise” ou “deferida”.

It is important to remember that Rent Assistance is a temporary benefit and can be suspended at any time if there are changes in the conditions that gave rise to the granting of the benefit. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the information updated and regularly monitor the status of the request.