Tesouro Direto - Discover how to Profit


There is a way to set up your “sock” without despair and with a slightly more generous return, with space to plan how much you intend to invest and how much you want to receive back, it is called direct treasure.

The application of personal finance strategies in Brazilians' daily lives is almost non-existent. We were indoctrinated that in order to save money, we must earn above average, and what is left over, we keep it wrong and have an income that ends up being irrelevant.

The small expenses of the day lead us to believe that we are spending little, because we learn to control only the bigger expenses. However, if not accompanied with discipline, these small expenses can make a big difference at the end of a certain period of time.


What is Treasury Direct and how did it come about?

Launched almost 20 years ago, the Direct Treasury is nothing more than a loan to the government. This value you redeem with interest after the stipulated period, the investment mechanics are simple.

The program was created in partnership with the Brazilian Stock Exchange for the sale of public securities to individuals. Such titles can be purchased for values starting at R$30.00, making the process much more democratic, that is, more accessible to all audiences.

He is a great option for those who are starting in the investment area, as it offers several different returns with low risk. You just need to choose which one fits your current life profile.

Why Treasury Direct and not Savings?

For decades, Brazilians who invest have chosen savings accounts as a way to save money. The biggest reason is the ease of access, easy removal and everyone can open one.

According to ANBIMA (Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities) it is the most popular application in the country.

This is still true, however, savings are becoming less worthwhile every year. With a rate of return that does not exceed 2.45% per year, savings leave something to be desired and could fall even further.


This means that when you strive to save R$200.00 for example, your savings account income will not reach R$6.00 the following year. So considering the variation in the interest rate and inflation, your money may even devalue in this elapsed time..

Is it safe to invest in Treasury Direct?

Treasury Direct is one of the lowest risk investments on the market because, unlike other investments, the Treasury is 100% guaranteed by the National Treasury.

The money you invest is registered under your ownership, in your CPF, which means that it is not part of the assets of the financial institution you choose.

If for some reason that institution declares bankruptcy your money will not be affected. According to the website of the National Treasury, investments in the Direct Treasury are even safer than savings.

How does investing in Treasury Direct work?

The first step is to get organized and think about whether you prefer to apply an amount every month, or if you prefer to collect an amount and apply it all at once, it all depends on your financial organization.

On the official website of the Direct Treasury, you will find a simulator with all the application options available, ranging from returns linked to the basic interest rate of the economy (Selic), to rates that are linked to the variation in inflation.

By organizing your daily expenses, you can start investing with the amount of R$30.00, which makes anyone who has a CPF and a bank account eligible to invest in the treasury.

What are the types of treasure?

There are three types of treasure for you to invest, they differ according to their profitability and term, they are:

How to invest?

After simulating and choosing your title, it is necessary to register the treasury directly at an authorized bank or brokerage. It is advisable to look for an institution that does not charge any fees for investing in direct treasury.

And most banks also no longer charge for this type of service, as they realized they were at a disadvantage in relation to digital brokerages, but always check this information with your manager!

After choosing your title and broker, it's time to transfer the money from your account to the broker of your choice. Once that's done, you're already an investor!

So it is possible to invest in more than one security, thus increasing your investment portfolio, but stick to the redemption dates! For more information and savings tips, visit the area Tips from the website!