Taxi Assistance: Everything about registration, fees and consultation


Taxi Assistance is a program created by the government to help taxi drivers during the pandemic. The objective is to provide financial assistance to those whose income was affected by the crisis.

In this article, we will talk about how to register for the program, the amounts available and how to check your benefit.

To register for Taxi Assistance, you must meet some requirements, such as being an independent or cooperative taxi driver, having an active registration with the city hall of the city where you work and having been impacted by the pandemic.


Registration can be done online, through the program's official website, or in person, at some service points throughout the city.

Taxi Assistance amounts vary according to the city and the beneficiary’s situation. In general, the amount is R$1,200, divided into three installments of R$400 each.

However, in some cities, the amount may be higher or lower, depending on the availability of resources and demand for the program. To find out the exact value of your benefit, you need to consult the program's official website or contact your city hall.

Taxi Assistance Registration

Taxi Assistance is a benefit created to help professionals who work with taxis and who were affected by the pandemic. To register and receive assistance, it is necessary to follow some requirements and procedures.

Registration Requirements

To be able to register for Taxi Assistance, the professional must meet some requirements, such as:

Registration Procedure

The registration procedure for Auxílio Taxista is carried out via the benefit's official website or via the mobile application. The professional must fill out a form with their personal data and information about their activity as a taxi driver.


After filling out the form, the professional must wait for the data to be analyzed by the team responsible for Taxi Assistance. If approved, the benefit will be deposited in a bank account in the name of the beneficiary.

Required Documentation

To register for Taxi Assistance, the professional needs to present some documents, such as:

It is important that the professional checks in advance which documents are required for registration, in order to avoid delays or problems in analyzing the request.

With this information, taxi drivers interested in receiving Taxi Assistance can register and receive the benefit to help face the challenges imposed by the pandemic.

Values and Benefits Consultation

Taxi Assistance is a social benefit that aims to help taxi drivers throughout Brazil. Those who register and meet the eligibility criteria can receive monthly financial assistance.

In this section, you will find information on how to check the values and benefits of Taxi Assistance.

How to Consult the Values

To consult the Tax Driver Assistance amounts, you must access the Consulta Auxílios e Benefícios website. There, it is possible to check the value of the benefit, as well as the date on which the payment will be made. It is important to remember that prices may vary depending on the region in which the taxi driver is registered.

Consulta Auxílios – Guia 2024

The 2024 Guide to Consult Aids and Benefits is a useful tool for taxi drivers who want to obtain information about Taxi Assistance.

The guide contains information on how to register, what the eligibility criteria are and how to check the values and benefits. In addition, the guide also offers information about other social benefits available to taxi drivers throughout Brazil.

Common questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about Taxi Assistance:

To obtain answers to these and other questions, taxi drivers can access the Consulta Auxílios e Benefícios website or contact the Auxílio Taxista call center.