Are We Alone in the Universe? come find out


The evidence that there is or is not extraterrestrial life has been discussed for some time. And more and more evidence is elucidating the real existence of life. A few days ago, we saw a major world military organization give us the hint that we are not alone in the Universe.

The Pentagon released some videos of events until then kept under lock and key. Videos of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) filmed in various parts of the globe by various sources. These objects were presented in various shapes, speeds and sizes, leaving the spectators who witnessed them perplexed and very surprised.

The world has been engaged in an incessant quest to understand the cosmos and unusual phenomena. There has been a fierce debate for years in search of proving or disproving the existence of life beyond Earth. Let's address different views on this issue.


What does life really mean?

If we take into account such concepts and turn our eyes to the Cosmos, we will see various manifestations of life through stars and planets. Isn't the Sun itself, for example, a hard and incessant worker in the mission of keeping us alive?

Is there anything seen or known by man capable of maintaining or taking thousands of lives in seconds if you so wish, like the actions and events of this star, Sun? Even the Moon, with its slightly more discreet existence, dictates the behavior of the seas and oceans.

A religious view that we are not alone in the Universe

É fato que experimentamos todos os dias a influência e a presença de vida fora da Terra, uma das orações mais conhecidas e repetidas do planeta por exemplo, deixa claro isso , “ Pai nosso que estais no céu, “e  “ venha a nós o vosso reino”, são duas citações que nos afirmam vida extraterrena.

 Hora, se o “Pai  está no céu” e o céu é fora da terra, então cremos em um Deus extraterreno? E a reafirmação de que este reino do Deus extraterreno vira até nós, “vem a nós o vosso reino,” só comprova essa existência fora dos muros invisíveis do planeta azul.

 Not to mention that the same prayer floods us with the idea of the existence of another world with some resemblance to this one where this extraterrestrial God is also ruler; “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. It is clear that there are at least two worlds.

When will we finally be sure we're not alone?

Leaving the religious aspect aside, our life is only possible because living beings in the cosmos allow it. It would be enough for the Sun to heat up a few degrees and that would be the end of us, or for the Moon to decide to grace us with a slight approach and it would be enough for huge waves to sweep the surface of the Earth. 


What do I believe? Everything that has happened is just a preparation for the big one.”Rational Apotheosis” where the truth will be revealed, and everyone will finally know that yes, there are beings from beyond Earth, living here on this small blue planet.

These beings are ourselves, and that our main objective here has never been money, material, possessions or fame, but rather learning the way back, back to the extraterrestrial realm, where we left. We are not earthly beings, we are here just passing through.

This was a text to reflect on our simple existence in front of the universe. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you want to know more, look in our tab ENTERTAINMENT. Hug to everyone.