Magnesium - See the Benefits for the Body and Mind


Let's talk about a mineral of extreme importance for our organism and that of all living beings, magnesium. We will objectively elucidate the best way to make a good supplementation to keep the body with good levels of it.

There are many doubts about which form of magnesium to use for certain cases, since this mineral is found in various forms and associations, which can bring better benefits depending on the purpose of supplementation.

It is known that this is a mineral that is present in large quantities in our organism, participating in more than three hundred chemical reactions that are important for the proper functioning of our body.


Some benefits of magnesium in our body

At the cellular level, it participates in the formation of ATP, which is like the energy currency produced by mitochondria within cells. So the lack of magnesium brings fatigue and little disposition, because we have low levels of energy.

 Supplementation with the mineral also helps in the fixation of calcium by the bones, thus treating and preventing osteoporosis. So, there is no point in consuming foods rich in calcium if there is a lack of magnesium, because this way, calcium will not be absorbed and fixed in the places where it is actually needed. This fact is also linked to the control of blood pressure, as it prevents the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels.

There are studies, such as the one coordinated by scientists Emily K. Tarleton and Benjamin Littenbergque, which demonstrate the effectiveness of magnesium for treating cases of depression. The study demonstrates that depression has a greater occurrence in individuals with low levels of magnesium in the body.

Studies also show that its supplementation helps in cognitive function and is fundamental in the treatment of anxiety, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, panic syndrome, among others.

So Mg can be beneficial for:

What types of Mg?

In Brazil, due to geological issues we do not have magnesium water, which means that our food and our soil are also poor in magnesium, which makes us have a poor diet of this mineral so important for our body. There is a specific test to correctly analyze the magnesium present in the body.

Magnesium can be obtained through food sources such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables, tubers such as white potatoes, however, due to the small amount found in food, mineral supplementation is necessary.


We find magnesium of the types:

Below we will talk about some of the types most found on the market for supplementation.

Magnesium chloride

This is perhaps the most common of the types found, and with a very affordable price. It is found in powder form, and usually in 33g sachets that can be mixed in 1.5 liters of water and consumed in small portions daily. It should be stored in a glass container and kept refrigerated.

One downside is that magnesium chloride is poorly absorbed by the body, and in some people it causes some intestinal discomfort. It tastes bitter, and not very pleasant. For cases that want to treat problems such as osteoporosis, hypertension and cognitive diseases, this format is not ideal due to its low absorption.

magnesium dimalate

Magnesium dimalate is ideal for those looking for more energy. It is formed by a magnesium molecule with two molecules and malic acid, that is, dimalate. It is better absorbed by the body, despite having a higher price than magnesium chloride.

Another advantage is that in this format, you have the benefits of malic acid, which participates in the Krebs cycle, which is the generation of energy with the oxidation, in this case, of the amino acid, to generate more energy.

magnesium threonate

This type of magnesium is best suited for those with cognitive problems. Ideal for treating depression, panic syndrome, depression, anxiety etc. it also brings great benefits to those who are studying for a test or contest.

A great advantage is that magnesium threonate is able to reach our brain better, thus improving our synapses. Supplementing with this type of magnesium will help with sleep, mental clarity, and general cognition. Despite the various benefits, its value is a bit high.

 This was our article talking a little about magnesium and its benefits. If you want to know more about health, visit our tab Tips. Hug to everyone.