Coconut Oil - Discover All the Qualities of this Food


Tem se discutido exaustivamente em todo o mundo os benefícios do óleo de coco para a saúde.  Existem defensores que afirmam que o óleo de coco pode prevenir varias doenças, sendo considerado um alimento funcional, ou seja, um super alimento.

A functional food is one that is rich or enriched with some elements such as vitamins, minerals, bacterial cultures such as omega 3 probiotics, etc., and which has, in addition to its nutritional characteristics, the ability to prevent diseases.

However, coconut oil is still an underutilized food because health professionals, consumers and health associations lack knowledge that do not seek knowledge to be able to pass it on to the population. But it is known that the coconut is the third best food that exists.


Scientific evidence of the health benefits of coconut oil

There are several scientific publications that provide clear information about the health benefits of coconut oil. On the website, several books can be found dealing with the subject, books with more than a thousand pages, which shed light on the use of the supposed oil.

We also have more than 25 million citations on Google, and more than 9,000 articles published on, which is the largest physician in the world, and almost 1000 scientific articles published on Pubmed, where there are several important scientific articles.

We can still cite over 1300 books on ketogenic diets that support the use of MCT (medium chain triglycerides), most prominently coconut oil.

How does coconut oil absorption work?

There are several differences between these fatty acids. Long-chain fatty acids are absorbed by the intestine, being directed to the heart and then to the liver where they bind to LDL, being taken to the tissues. HDL brings it back and is eliminated through the bile.

The MCTs, the medium-chain fatty acids present in coconut oil, are absorbed in the intestine and reach the liver, where they are transformed into energy. They are not stored like fatty tissue, and they work as a thermogenic.

They do not need the process of digesting bile in the liver and hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It also does not require insulin to be metabolized, and can be used in diabetics and pre-diabetics.


It is known that almost half of coconut oil is composed of lauric acid, which after being transformed into monolaurin, which is an antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral compound, does not bring any side effects. It has antioxidant and also anti-inflammatory actions.

Some benefits of using coconut oil

Other benefits occur in the brain and that through the ketone bodies generated through TCM, is that they help to improve brain functioning, bringing more mental clarity.

It can be used in cooking, for frying, cooking food. A great advantage is that it does not saturate when heated or exposed to light. A great advantage is that it does not increase cholesterol levels and does not contain trans fats, like other oils on the market.

Coconut oil is easily absorbed by the body, unlike other oils used on the market, which can even be antinutrients, which are substances that do not allow some important substances to be absorbed.

Discussions about oils and cholesterol

Something that has been discussed a lot is the correlation of saturated fats with the increase in cholesterol, and this led to the encouragement of the use of unsaturated oils, which are vegetable oils, such as soybean oil, canola oil.

 But studies show that the increased use of unsaturated vegetable oils has increased cholesterol rates, which does not occur with the use of coconut oil, but this will be the subject of another publication.

Anyone who wants to know more about the health benefits of coconut oil, and other tips to improve your health, visit our tab Tips. Hug to everyone.