Testosterone - Discover Foods and Supplements to increase it


Hormones have the main function of regulating the functioning of the organism. If a hormone is deregulated, that is, lacking or in excess, the functioning of the cells will be affected and this will be reflected in your body and emotionally. We will see how to increase testosterone, an essential hormone to maintain health.

The search for a body that we consider satisfactory leads some people to wrong choices. However, there are many people who prefer to follow a regimented routine and encourage the body to reach its goals in a healthy way, even if it takes time.

Those who practice physical activity are always looking for new ways to help their own body in its natural functions and make it stronger. And one of the hormones that fulfills this role is testosterone.


What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is present in both men and women. In men it is the main sex hormone and is responsible for acting in various body functions, such as hair and sperm production and increased muscle mass.

In women it is present in smaller amounts, it is responsible for increasing muscle mass and libido.

To have a good level of testosterone in the body it is necessary to have a rich diet, practice physical activity and have a regulated sleep. If you're starting a new workout routine and want to help your body see results faster, boosting your testosterone levels is ideal.

This article is not only aimed at those who train, you may want to increase the testosterone in your body on medical advice or just to have a better functioning of the organism.

If you are experiencing a reduction in body hair, lack of energy, loss of libido, loss of muscle and even bone mass, it is about time to see a doctor to perform testosterone levels tests, yours may be below the ideal level for your age.

How to eat to increase testosterone

Anyone looking for natural alternatives should start with food. Some foods stimulate the natural production of testosterone that circulates in our body, directly or indirectly.


Its greatest allies in food are those rich in vitamins A, D and Zinc. Among the foods that have vitamins A, D and Zinc are others that stimulate the production of good cholesterol, HDL and decrease cortisol levels.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, competes with testosterone in the body. When cortisol levels are regulated, testosterone is produced more efficiently by the body.

●     fruits: You can add fruits such as strawberries, avocados, mangoes, oranges, kiwis and tomatoes to your shopping list. Rich in vitamin A and vitamin C.

●     Fish and Eggs: Fish such as salmon and sardines are rich in omega 3 which increases levels of good cholesterol and vitamin D.

●     Grains and Seeds: You should also invest in beans, cashews and sunflower seeds. Rich in zinc and minerals.

●     Other groups: Cocoa, garlic and spinach, pepper and onion are some foods from other groups that are great to have in your diet. They have anti-inflammatories and antioxidants.

●     Good habits: Sunbathing is still the most natural way to replenish vitamin D. Before 11 am and after 4 pm are the ideal times, 15 to 20 minutes, without sunscreen.

The ideal is to combine food with the practice of regular physical exercises. Bodybuilding exercises, specifically with weight lifting, are the best suited to stimulate testosterone production, as it is released to rebuild muscle tissue.

Supplements to increase testosterone

Another way to increase testosterone levels in the body is to use dietary supplements. They are usually indicated by the doctor when the low level of testosterone is critical in your body.

It is the doctor who will decide how much your testosterone level needs to increase and for how long you will use it according to your clinical condition. There are supplements of different types, which aim to increase different vitamins and minerals in your body.

When consulting a nutritionist or endocrinologist, they will recommend supplements that contain zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D

Among the best sellers are:

Supplements of different brands that contain these substances can be found, the main objective for the most part is to increase muscle mass and libido, they are indicated for men.

For women, replacement with supplements is only indicated by a doctor, it should be done with a nutritionist, endocrinologist or gynecologist, since the use of contraceptives plays a role in the regulation of testosterone.

Always consult with a doctor first to make sure what you need. For more information and health tips, visit the Tips from the website!