Type 2 Diabetes - See how to Treat and achieve Improvements


It is known that diabetes is a disease that, for metabolic or physical reasons, the body is unable to absorb and burn glucose molecules, causing them to remain in the blood, thus raising blood glucose levels in the body. But is it possible to cure type 2 diabetes?

The levels of glucose present in the blood create a highly toxic environment in the body, bringing various effects to the individual, such as kidney problems, hypertension, blindness, liver problems, amputation of limbs, among others.

There is type 1 diabetes, which has a genetic origin, and is when the individual's pancreas is not able to produce insulin to metabolize the ingested sugar, requiring the use of injectable insulin, to control this blood glucose.


In type 2 diabetes, the body has a normal pancreas, but due to a process of cell resistance, the insulin produced is no longer able to act correctly, causing the levels of sugar in the body to remain high. . Let's basically talk about the processes in type 2 diabetes

Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, and in a rough explanation, it works like a key, which opens a door in the cells, so that sugar can enter and be metabolized, transformed into energy.

When you enter a process of constant intake of foods rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates, the body enters a constant cycle of insulin production that works as follows:

So when the organism enters this cycle, it ends up culminating in the development of type 2 diabetes, which is nothing more than a metabolic syndrome, where the pancreas can produce the hormone, but it is not able to act effectively.

Evidence that it is possible to cure type 2 diabetes

A study published in 2002 in New England, which is a leading journal in the medical and scientific community, followed patients with pre-diabetes until they developed type 2 diabetes. At the time, they used two approaches in the study.

A part of the patients would take Metformin, which is a drug used for diabetes, and another part was encouraged to do physical activities and lose body weight and measures, thus adopting a change in lifestyle.


What was observed was that the benefits in people who changed their lifestyle and lost weight were twice as high as in people who just took Metformin, that is, twice as many people managed to reverse their diabetes just by changing their habits.

Another 2017 study carried out in England and Scotland, where hypertensive and diabetic patients with a short diagnosis time were selected, suspended the use of medication in these patients. A restrictive diet and physical activity were adopted. Benefit was observed in all patients, and those who lost more weight reaped better benefits and total drug withdrawal.

So there is a direct relationship between type 2 diabetes and the patient's lifestyle and it is possible to reverse diabetes using a good diet and moderate physical activity, because losing weight means you gain health.

Foods that Help Reverse and Cure Type 2 Diabetes

Foods that have low levels of sugar are the best to obtain results in the reversal of type 2 diabetes. It is ideal then to adopt a diet with foods rich in good fats, fibrous carbohydrates, proteins of high biological value.

There are also functional foods such as avocado, coconut and derivatives.

Good foods to keep sugar levels low

Foods that increase sugar levels

It was observed that with the adoption of a diet made from these foods, there was a drastic decrease in the levels of sugar in the body. Foods rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates are the villains of increased levels of glucose in the body.

There are foods that should be avoided and eliminated from the diet.

So, it is noted that in order to reverse type 2 diabetes, a change in lifestyle and eating habits is necessary, as this is the only way to have a healthy, normal life and good longevity.

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