Peruvian Maca or Tribulus Terristris? Which should I take?


Today we are going to talk about two plants that have been very talked about in improving libido and among physical activity practitioners. The Peruvian Maca or tribulus terristris has been associated by physical activity practitioners with hormonal increase and muscle mass gain.

The constant search for well-being, for the perfect body, for good performance with partners, has been bringing more and more searches for foods, supplements and compounds that fulfill the role sought by these people.

The great advantage of using phytotherapeutic elements is precisely the fact of reaping the benefits of their use, minimizing the side effects normally caused by pharmacological drugs.


The Peruvian maca and its actions in the body

The Peruvian brand is a plant that originates in Peru, and is cultivated in the Andes Mountains, at heights greater than 4,000 meters. In the places where it is cultivated, maca is used as part of people's daily diet.

It was then observed in those people who used this plant as food, greater health, there were no cases of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and sexual functions were relatively better among these natives.

An important thing to mention is that despite the health improvements mentioned above, maca did not act on any hormonal changes, such as increasing testosterone levels in men and women.

However, studies have shown that in women who used maca, it reduced the effects of menopause such as hot flashes, sweating, and there was an increase in estradiol and improvement in female sexual lubrication.

In men, it has been shown to improve sperm motility and volume, helping to improve fertility.

Maca can also improve concentration, improve stress and anxiety. It was also noted that in men it inhibits 5 alpha reductase, being used for benign prostatic hyperplasia, that is, it reduces the size of the prostate.


Maca also has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant actions. Studies demonstrating that maca helps increase muscle mass are not conclusive, but it is known to increase energy.

Tribulus terrestris and its benefits

Tribulus Terrestris unlike the Peruvian maca, it has been noticed that it actually acts by bringing about an increase in testosterone levels, as well as DHT and estradiol.

In women, an increase in sexual desire has been observed. It serves as a hormone replacement, but its effects are milder than replacement with bioidentical hormones. Tribulus also brings about increased muscle mass.

Something important to mention is that tribulus increases DHT levels in men, and this can lead to an enlarged prostate. Therefore, it is important to use a 5 alpha reductase blocker associated with it, which can include Peruvian maca, which has this effect as mentioned above, dioecious nettle, palmetto salt.

Another male effect is that tribulus terrestris can increase estradiol and cause genomastia. So it is important to use an aromatase blocker, which may be the chrysin.

What doses of Peruvian maca and tribulus terrestris should we use?

It is first necessary to carry out hormonal tests to verify the ideal dosage for each case, but the most used doses are:

-For the woman

-For the man

They can be taken together, or separately, whichever way is best for the person.

Further information on the use of Tribulus and Maca

Its use can be made continuously, as long as it is accompanied by a doctor and tests are carried out to check hormone levels periodically.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not recommended to use supplements. Diabetic people should also inform the doctor as these foods can intervene in the medication.

What needs to be clarified is that the two supplements will bring improvement in libido and sexual functions, but only tribulus will bring a hormonal increase, however it will also raise estradiol and bring about an increase in muscle mass.

Maca will increase energy, act as a 5 alpha reductase blocker and can even be used in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. It is therefore necessary that you choose between the Peruvian Maca or tribulus terristris according to your needs and expectations.

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