Skincare - Learn to create a Routine


The term skincare, coming from English and used in several countries, had existed for years and became more popular with apps like Pinterest and Tiktok. In this app, people share their care routines with their followers or anyone else who is looking for this type of content.

Skincare, as some people think, is not aimed only at women, but at anyone who wants to have the most beautiful and treated skin. A skincare routine is nothing more than a skincare routine to follow.

Unfortunately, the term and any type of care that is more elaborate is only associated with women. When, in fact, a skincare routine can help to improve several discomforts with the skin of the face, such as acne, and it is not exclusive to just one gender.


If you want to know what skincare is for and how to create your own, keep reading this article and get started today.

What are your benefits?

In addition to the natural problems that face skin goes through, such as pimples due to hormones, dryness due to time and production of oil and sebum, it still faces pollution, makeup residues and UVA and UVB rays.

Skincare is necessary to leave your face as clean, hydrated and protected as possible, so that it is able to face these problems and regenerate whenever possible.

In addition, the skin care routine is also responsible for delaying the effects of time, preventing signs of aging such as blemishes, wrinkles and sagging. After all, nobody wants to pick up the signs of age ahead of time.

When should we use skincare?

Following skincare steps, some that you can do every day and others that you can schedule weekly or biweekly, depending on your skin type, will make a big difference in how your skin looks.

Attention! Skincare is essential for all skin types, indicated from adolescence or after 20 years, but if you have a more serious problem, such as fungal acne or polycystic ovary syndrome, you should combine skincare with medical treatment that will usually be indicated by a dermatologist.


How to assemble your skincare?

It is important to know your skin type to assemble your ideal skincare, as the products you will use must be specific, for dry, oily or combination skin.

You can choose brands according to reviews on the internet, from acquaintances who recommend you or which you have already tried and liked.

  1. Wash your face: Your care routine should have a mild cleansing gel or soap for your face type, which cleans deeply without resecting.

How are the products found?

Some brands already sell a complete kit with each step explained. But you can also buy smaller versions of different brands to try and choose your favorite.

With a routine followed to the letter, over time you will notice significant improvements in the appearance of your skin, bringing vigor and health. These tips can be followed by any skin type.

For more information about care and health in general, visit the Tips area of the site!