Healthy Skin - Discover Winter Secrets and Care


The skin of the body and face is mainly known to be affected by the constant presence of the sun. After all, we talk all the time about using sunscreen, and the need to avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, but should it be healthy skin care?

These tips can and should always be taken into account, but because of this, many people put skin protection aside at other times of the year, and one of the most important is winter.

Winter has such a harmful effect on the skin that it can lead to the development of diseases that need to be treated for years, leading to an expense of time and money that could be avoided, or at least reduced.


Because we don't care about blemishes or oiliness in winter, we forget that it's not just these problems that the skin suffers throughout our lives. So follow this article for tips on how to take care of your skin on colder days.

Healthy skin in winter: skin care

During the coldest season of the year, our skin mostly suffers from dryness, due to low humidity in the air, which impairs natural hydration.

This generates almost a vicious cycle, because a skin without hydration is dry, and a dry skin has difficulties to maintain hydration.

The natural conditions of winter, combined with carelessness that we have on a daily basis, such as forgetting to drink water, can have some consequences, ranging from natural itching in more dry areas of the body and flaking, to allergies that, depending on the severity and type of skin, require medical attention.

winter skin diseases

Some people who already suffer from sensitive skin experience even more difficulty in winter, as it is when some skin diseases manifest or worsen, among them are:

5 Skin Care Essentials You Should Take

1.  Beba água

As obvious as it may seem, drinking two or more liters of water is essential for the health of any part of the body, proper functioning of the organism, and hydration, however, we usually associate water with heat and it is common to forget to hydrate in winter.


As we focus more on eating hot food, it's normal not to feel thirsty, but don't forget to drink water throughout the day, write it down in apps or on your cell phone alarm if necessary.

2.  Evite banhos muito quentes

Yes, you often want to use the hottest water possible in the cold, but your body doesn't need such high temperatures. This can damage the skin's protective layer, the hydrolipid layer.

This layer maintains itself with the natural fluids that our skin releases throughout the day, such as sweat. This protects the skin from bacteria and fungus.

3.  Hidratação e esfoliação da pele

Especially for sensitive skin, hydration every day in winter is essential. A good tip is, still in the bathroom after leaving the box, already use a body moisturizer, this helps the cream to penetrate better.

Gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin in areas such as the elbow and knee is also important. These areas of the body produce a smaller amount of oil, making them more vulnerable to cold and consequently dryness.

4.  Protetor solar

Sunscreen remains important, even in the cold and without apparent sunlight. You may not feel it, but different from summer when we are aware of the UVB rays that cause burns. In winter, the care to be taken is with the UVA rays which are responsible for skin aging.

5.  Dermatologistas

If you already have any of the skin conditions mentioned in the article, be sure to consult your dermatologist at this time of year.

He will indicate the best treatment to avoid damage from the cold since your skin is already sensitized. Sometimes the indication of antihistamines or corticosteroids is necessary to prevent you from injuring yourself by scratching and making the problem even worse.

These were tips on how to keep your skin always young and well cared for. Follow our category Tips be to know more. Hug to everyone.