Vitamin D3 - See its Health Benefits


Vitamin D3 has been much talked about lately. It is known that this vitamin plays a great role in improving our immunity to infections, especially respiratory tract infections. In times of Cvd-19, this is of great interest to the general population.

It is very important that you check your current level of vitamin D3 through tests, to assess whether it is necessary to supplement with the vitamin to regulate and maintain ideal levels.

Another issue of great importance is that it was discovered that vitamin D3 plays a fundamental role in the absorption of sugar, and can have great advantages when used by individuals with type 2 diabetes, and pre-diabetics.


Vitamin D3 Deficiency and Related Problems

According to some researchers, 80% population has low levels of vitamin D in their body. And people with diabetes or pre-diabetics most often have really worrying levels of D3 deficiency.

What is not yet known is whether diabetes lowers D3 levels, or whether a lack of the vitamin creates an ideal condition for altering the levels of sugar in an individual's body.

People with obesity and overweight also have a lack of vitamin D3 in their body. its deficiency is still related to several health problems, and we will name a few.

How to get Vitamin D3?

Vitamin D3 is a vitamin produced by our body through exposure to sunlight and UVB radiation and with the help of cholesterol. So it is of great importance that you have exposure to the sun at the right times.

The unrestrained use of sunscreen means that the body cannot absorb UVB solar rays, causing us not to be able to produce vitamin D3. The ideal time for exposure to the sun and to obtain more gain would be between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm, as this is the time with the highest incidence of UVB. Twenty minutes a day is enough.

 To assess the levels of vitamin D, a blood test is used, and levels below 20 nano-grams per ml of blood are below ideal, but the level that is most significant for the body would be above 40 nano-grams per ml of blood. grams per ml of blood.


Vitamin D3 and insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes

Research has shown that people who have levels between 40 and 50 nanograms have up to 48% lower chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Therefore, if its absorption by the sun is not sufficient, it is necessary to use vitamin supplementation.

A study published by the European Journal of Endocrinology, demonstrated that the use of daily vitamin D supplementation, has a great improvement in insulin sensitivity.

In the study, 96 individuals with type 2 diabetes were selected. Half of the group received 2Ui (international units) of vitamin D, and the other half did not. It was observed that in a period of 6 months, it occurred in individuals who had supplementation with the vitamin, they had a significant improvement in insulin sensitivity, as well as improvement in beta cells.

How to take vitamin D supplementation?

It is important to observe the levels of vitamin D through tests, in order to define the dosage correctly. If the levels are close to 40 nano-grams per ml, a daily supplementation of 2000IU and a little more sun exposure will be enough to balance the D3 levels.

If your levels are below 20ng/ml, the ideal is to use high doses of at least 15,000 IU daily. This dose should be adjusted until your levels are balanced.

Another important thing that vitamin D supplementation is associated with magnesium and vitamin k2. These supplements will transport and take calcium to the places where it really is needed.

There are several types of magnesium, and if you want to know which one is right for you, read this article on our page. If you want more health tips, look in our Tips category and get informed. Hugs to all and stay well.