Intermittent Fasting - Discover its Benefits


Today we are going to talk a little about intermittent fasting, this lifestyle, which has been bringing health and well-being to thousands of fans around the world, helping with weight loss, regulating hormone levels, preventing and reversing diseases and mental clarity.

Many confuse intermittent fasting with a diet, but this is not the case. Later we will explain some important points and benefits of fasting for various parts of the body and mind. It is not a diet, as you can eat everything, but using certain time windows, and opting for foods with better nutritional load.

There are reports of several people who have achieved great weight loss using only this method. However, you must pay attention to the correct way of fasting, so that it does not end up becoming something that brings risks to your health.


Intermittent fasting benefits

The first benefit and the most sought after, is weight loss. For overweight people who want to lose weight and reach their ideal weight, intermittent fasting can be very viable, being easy to apply and offering numerous benefits, including weight loss in a healthy way.

Another important benefit of intermittent fasting is that its adoption can prevent and even cure some diseases, especially those linked to nutrition and metabolic syndromes, which are dysfunctions linked precisely to the nutritional part.

It can prevent various types of cancer such as stomach, esophagus and others. It can also prevent and even reverse cases of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. It also prevents Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases that affect a large part of the elderly population worldwide.

Intermittent fasting also brings mental clarity, making reasoning more agile and efficient, since your metabolism will not be focused on food digestion all the time. It also performs a natural detoxification process in the body, eliminating various bad substances from our body.

Another very important benefit of intermittent fasting is that cells enter a process of autophagy, which is when healthy cells feed on old and degraded cells, thus taking place a natural process of cell and tissue renewal.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, we can list a few more that are of great importance for health and well-being:


How to do intermittent fasting?

It is known that fasting has been practiced since ancient times, whether for spiritual, ethnic and cultural purposes. It is also known that our body is not prepared for such a constant diet as it is today, which in fact has contributed to the development of metabolic diseases.

There are protocols and ways to perform intermittent fasting. Basically, the protocols work with windows where it eats, and windows where it stays without food. To reap the best benefits, it would be important to adopt a healthy diet, in parallel with fasting, that is, you need to be well nourished.

During periods of fasting, substances that do not break the fast can be used, such as water, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, water with lemon drops, bone broth, coffee and tea without sugar or sweetener.

The most used intermittent fasting protocols

Protocolo 12×12

In this protocol, you can stop eating food until 20:00hrs, and you will eat the next day from 08:00hrs in the morning. It's called natural fasting, and it's the best way to start your body's adaptation to intermittent fasting.

Protocolo 16×8

This is the most used protocol for enhancing body fat loss. An example would be having the last meal until 19:00hrs, and eating again only the next day from 11:00hrs in the morning.

Protocolo 24×24

This protocol is specific for people who are already well accustomed to the larger spaces of fasting. It consists of eating within a 24 hour window. And stop eating for another 24 hours. This protocol is where you reap the greatest benefits of autophagy and mental clarity.

These then were some information about the benefits of intermittent fasting that can be used to stop this which has been one of the greatest contemporary challenges, which is the obesity and the evils it brings to health.

 I hope you enjoyed it, and if you want more articles about health, just search our tab Tips. Hug to everyone.